Yup, narrative ya kaya narasi gitu, banyak cerita atau isinya kebanyakan cerita. Misalnya dongeng dan cerpen, semua itu bentuknya narrative. Secara tujuan narrative sendiri emang buat hiburan, kalo Ana nyebutnya dongeng sebelum tidur, kan Ibu biasanya cerita dulu sebelum kita tidur waktu kecil (padahal Ibuku sendiri ga pernah).
Nah, sekarang kita lihat sebenarnya text yang seperti apa sih narrative itu?
Purpose :
To amuse/entertain the readers and to tell the story (tadi kan udah dibilang buat menghibur kan?)
Generic Structures:
Orientation :
introducing the characters and setting of time and place (perkenalan karakter, setting tempat, waktunya kapan gitu)
Complication :
a crisis arises, teling the sequence of event with some parts become problems (Masalah yang diceritain apaan)
Resolution :
the crisis is resolved (Masalahnya selese deh)
Re-orientation :
a closing remark, moral lesson, optional
(ada/tidaknya tergantung cerita) (Ini buat closing aja, misal pelajaran apa yang kita dapet dari cerita tersebut and so on!)
Language features:
Focus on specific usually individualized
Simple past tense
Temporal conjuction : once upon a time, long ago,
Jealous Wife and Tricky Husband
Orientation :
A jealous wife was continually quarreling with her husband over his mistress.
Complication :
A jealous wife was continually quarreling with her husband over his mistress.
Complication :
One day the husband said, " Woman, you are
driving me mad. I'd rather die than do battle with you again."
Having said that, he locked himself in his room and went without
food for few days. At the end of it the wife felt sorry, so she
said,"Enough is enough! I'll never show any jealousy over you mistress
After accepting a written statement of total obedience
from his wife, he got out and ate heartily. And sure enough, she became
as obedient as pet cat ever since.
A friend of the man also had a mistress and he too had
got no peace from his wife. When he heard of the trick, he decided to try it on
her. So when he came home, he locked himself up and refused to eat. Five days passed
and fearing that he would die, he began to cry for food. Right then, his wife
was in the next room preparing meat soup and barbequed beef. the
pleasant smell floated over to his room, tempting the hungry man.
Unable to control himself any longer, he opened the
door and begged his wife,"Listen! I promise that I'll never see the other
woman again if you will give me some meat to eat."
Resolution :
if you swear,' she demanded. Following that, she gave him the meat and ate it
like a hungry wolf.
Then next
day, when he told his friend what had happened, the friend laughed and said,
"Nobody can live five of six days without food and water. As for me, I hid
a bag of shelled chestnuts in my sleeve, so that I could eat them in
secret. that is the trick!".
Taken from http://www.text-types.com
CuanX -- Life goes on!
Disclaimer : tidak semua bagian dari postingan ini murni tulisan Ana, sebagian ada yang mengambil dari sumber lain yang dilampirkan, jika diketahui ada sumber yang belum dicantumkan bisa konfirmasi ke admin dan mohon maaf setulus-tulusnya bukan bermaksud plagiat.
Disclaimer : tidak semua bagian dari postingan ini murni tulisan Ana, sebagian ada yang mengambil dari sumber lain yang dilampirkan, jika diketahui ada sumber yang belum dicantumkan bisa konfirmasi ke admin dan mohon maaf setulus-tulusnya bukan bermaksud plagiat.
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